Blog List

16 June

Is e-learning a proper replacement for our conventional learning? E-learning was first introduced in 1999 in Los Angeles. At that time, it was called online learning and virtual learning. It was a large experimental area dealing with technical subjec...

16 June

The very first thing that matters, to know is –Who are you? What kind of person are you? What makes you special? What belongs to you and you can excel in?  Once you find answers to these questions, it becomes you and this defines your P...

16 June

Communication skills are very important in every era. Communication is something that everyone uses daily. Today’s time has changed, good communication skills are required in every field. Communication skill is a substantive skill needed in the...

16 June

Speaking in public is a great challenge, and I believe we all must keep accepting challenges in our life. Few people are naturally good at public speaking, where few feel uncomfortable. What do you think? The great speakers can speak with the same co...

18 July

Upliftment of your potential, skills, knowledge, and experience are known as personal growth. Personal growth makes you capable of being able to do everything. It enhances your confidence. You should be aware of your personal growth as an u...
